Please see the ADS for a complete list including links to data and pre-print versions.
Furthermore my undergraduate thesis (Diplomarbeit) and the doctoral thesis (Dissertation) are available; their content is also contained in my earliest refereed articles.
Below is a list of my conference contributions as first author. Where applicable, I linked the pdf of the poster or the talk slides.
RW Auriga: Iron rich corona and
high absorbing column density
(poster, talk)
H. M. Günther,
T. Birnstiel, D. P. Huenemoerder, D. A. Principe, P. C. Schneider,
S. J. Wolk, Franky Dubois, Ludwig Logie, Steve Rau, Sigfried Vanaverbeke,
Take a closer Look, Garching, Germany, Oct 2018
X-ray news from RW Auriga: Optical dimming associated
with iron rich corona and exceptionally high absorbing column density
H. M. Günther,
T. Birnstiel, D. P. Huenemoerder, D. A. Principe, P. C. Schneider,
S. J. Wolk, Franky Dubois, Ludwig Logie, Steve Rau, Sigfried Vanaverbeke,
Cool Stars 20, Boston, USA, Aug 2018
Ray-tracing Arcus in phase A
H. M. Günther, Ralf K. Heilmann, Casey T. DeRoo, Edward Hertz, Randall K. Smith, Jörn Wilms, SPIE 2018, Paper 10699-230
An x-ray transmission grating spectrometer for Lynx
H. M. Günther, Ralf K. Heilman, SPIE 2018, Paper 10699-39
Performance of a double tilted-Rowland-spectrometer on Arcus
H. M. Günther, P. N. Cheimets, R. K. Heilmann, R. K. Smith, Proc. SPIE 10397, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XX, 103970P
REDSoX: Monte-Carlo ray-tracing for a soft x-ray spectroscopy polarimeter
H. M. Günther, Mark Egan, Ralf K. Heilmann, Sarah N. T. Heine, Tim Hellickson, Jason Frost, Herman L. Marshall, Norbert S. Schulz, Adam Theriault-Shay, Proc. SPIE 10399, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy VIII, 1039917
Ray-tracing critical-angle transmission gratings for the X-ray Surveyor and Explorer-size missions
H. M. Günther, M. W. Bautz, R. K. Heilmann, D. P. Huenemoerder, H. L. Marshall, M. A. Nowak & N. S. Schulz, Proc. SPIE 9905, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 990556
Accretion and outflows in TW Hya
H. M. Günther, Exchanging mass, momentum, and ideas:
Connecting accretion and outflows in Young stellar objects, ESTEC, Netherlands, October 2015
The gas-to-dust ratio in disks of classical T Tauri stars
H. M. Günther, P. C. Schneider,
Harvard-Heidelberg star formation workshop, Cambridge, USA, January 2015
Recollimation boundary layers as X-ray sources in young stellar jets
H. M. Günther, Z.-Y. Li, P. C. Schneider,
AAS 225, Seattle, USA, January 2015
Simultaneous Chandra and HST spectroscopy of an accreting young star (contributed talk)
H. M. Günther, N. Brickhouse, A. Dupree, S. J. Wolk, P. C. Schneider, G. J. M. Luna, 15 years of Chandra, Boston, USA, November 2014
HST FUV monitoring of TW Hya (poster)
H. M. Günther, N. Brickhouse, A. Dupree, S. J. Wolk, P. C. Schneider, G. J. M. Luna, Cool Stars 18, Flagstaff, AZ, USA, June 2014
YSOVAR: Variability in ρ Oph (poster)
H. M. Günther, K. Poppenhaeger, S. J. Wolk, L. Rebull, P. Plavchan, R. Gutermuth and the YSOVAR team, AAS 224, Boston, USA, June 2014
Hubble FUV monitoring of TW Hya (contributed talk)
H. M. Günther, N. Brickhouse, A. Dupree, G. J. M. Luna, S. J. Wolk, P. C. Schneider, AAS 223, Washington D.C., USA, Jan 2014
YSOVAR: Variability in ρ Oph (poster)
H. M. Günther, K. Poppenhaeger, S. J. Wolk, L. Rebull, P. Plavchan, R. Gutermuth and the YSOVAR team, Protostars & Planets VI, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2013
Accretion, jets and winds (invited review)
H. M. Günther, Cool Stars 17; Barcelona, Spain, June 2012
IRAS 20050+2720: Clustering of low mass stars (poster)
H. M. Günther, S. J. Wolk, B. Spitzbart, R. A. Gutermuth, J. Forbrich, N. J. Wright, L. Allen, T. Bourke, S. T. Megeath, J. L. Pipher, The Labyrinth of star formation; Crete, Greece, June 2011
How can weakly magnetized stars drive fast jets? (poster)
H. M. Günther, P. C. Schneider, Z.-Y Li; Charlottesville, USA, March 2011
IRAS 20050+2720: Anatomy of a young stellar cluster (poster)
H. M. Günther, S. J. Wolk, B. Spitzbart & R. A. Gutermuth, AAS 218; Boston, USA, June 2011
High-energy emission from young stellar objects (prize talk)
H. M. Günther, Annual Meeting of the AG; Bonn, Germany, September 2010
IRAS 20050+2720: Anatomy of a young stellar cluster (poster)
H. M. Günther, S. J. Wolk, B. Spitzbart, T. L. Bourke, I. Pillitteri, J. Forbrich, R. A. Gutermuth & K. DeRose, 16th Cambridge workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun; Seattle, USA, August 2010
When does accretion cease? (contributed talk)
H. M. Günther, High-rasolution X-ray spectroscopy; Utrecht, Netherlands, March 2010
Soft X-rays from DG Tau: A physical jet model (poster, proceedings)
H. M. Günther, S. P. Matt & Zhi-Yun Li, Protostellar jets in context, Rhodos, Greece, July 2008
Young A stars: The softest Youngsters (contributed talk)
H. M. Günther & J. H. M. M. Schmitt, X-ray Universe 2008, Granada, Spain, May 2008
Evidence for excesses in CTTS - Outflows and accretion in X-rays and FUV (poster, proceedings)
H. M. Günther, J. Robrade & J. H. M. M. Schmitt, IAUS 243, Grenoble, France, May 2007
Modeling the accretion shock - Separating shock and corona on CTTS - example TW Hya and V4046 Sgr (poster and contributed talk)
H. M. Günther & J. H. M. M. Schmitt, Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks; Bonn, Germany, December 2006
Modeling the accretion shock - Separating shock and corona on CTTS - example TW Hya (poster and contributed talk in splinter session)
H. M. Günther & J. H. M. M. Schmitt, 14th Cambridge workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 14; Pasadena, USA, November 2006
Finding X-ray coronal cycles in low mass stars (end-of-summer report) M. Wilson, H. M. Günther, K. Auchettl
Projekt Römerschiff: Nachbau und Erprobung für die Ausstellung ’2000 Jahre Varusschlacht’
Ch. Schäfer, R. Aßkamp (Ed.), H. M. Günther et al., Hamburg, 2008, ISBN 978-3-7822-0977-9 (a book on a reconstructed roman warship, I worked on the technical characterization of the sailing performance, in German)
- Ein Römerschiff im Experiment: Rekonstruktion - Tests -
Ch. Schäfer, H. M. Günther &
A. C. Wawrzyn, Hamburg, 2008, ISBN 978-3-7822-0976-2 (similar to the above
for a different type of vessel)
Lusoria Rhenana, ein römisches Schiff am Rhein: neue Forschungen zu einem spätantiken Schiffstyp Fritz Brechtel, Christoph Schäfer, Gerrit Wagener (Hrsg.) - I wrote the chapter on data analysis, similar to the above, in German.