Table of LETG XRCF Measurement Purpose by Type & Detector

Meas.Type:-- ---
. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .
FC and SF-verify focus, check PSF [6] verify focus, check PSF[1] verify focus, check PSF[2] -
dFocus-defocus and in-focus images [7] - --
Alignment- gross vignetting[1] ---
Penning- - - PSF etc.[18] -
PSF/Inner-- core, wings; offaxis images [6] - core, wings; offaxis images [3]
PSF/1DLSF core, wings [9] ----
PSF/Outer- wings, scatter [2] ---
Scattering-- - - grating scatter, pileup effects, readout modes (, effective area) [1]
3D: Offaxis - offaxis images [13]-- -
. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .
Snapshot- - - Drake Flat[7] -
. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .
EEOrder locations, Effective area [20] ----
3D: EAEffective area, high orders [55] Source spectra, MEG-Penning PSF [29] ---
EA (fixed E)Effective area [15] source spectra (incl. DCM, HIREF) [4] Effective area [2] Effective area [60] Effective area [1]
EA (mono scan)Effective area [11] -- Effective area [5] -
3D: Molec. Contam.- edges, etc. [1] -- -
Molec. Contam.-- - identify edges, etc. [2] identify edges, etc. [2]

Number of relevant LETG measurements indicated in [n]s and links to CMDB summary of them.

Total LETG measurements = 283

Updated 5/5/97 dd